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Have your say fellow citizens and friends of Ogyakrom!


These Free Speech Forums (zones) offers a space for contributions from readers, without editing by Anansekrom. These are open forums for everyone.

Use it but don’t abuse it please!!

Anansekrom recognizes and supports the rights of free expression and speech. It is the purpose of these pages to inform members of the Anansekrom community and the public of the manner in which they may engage in constitutionally protected speech and expression at Anansekrom. These individuals or groups include, but are not limited to, those that represent religious organizations, groups desiring petition signatures, political candidates and their representatives and groups representing political issues. It is the intent of these pages to ensure the primary purpose is informing while promoting debate, the sharing of information and protecting free speech rights.

We at Anansekrom cherish free speech and our right to freedom of expression because it allows us to speak out when others are denied theirs. Free speech is a powerful thing, but it is not unlimited. Like all rights it comes with responsibilities.

Article 19 of “The Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR)” document proclaimed by the United Nations General Assembly in Paris on 10 December 1948 (General Assembly resolution 217 A) guarantees this universal right.

Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers.


The views and opinions expressed in the forums are solely those of the original authors and other contributors and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of Anansekrom, the owner and Publishing Company.

Anansekrom forums are intended to be open forums that supports free speech and the expression thereof. Contributors do not receive editorial direction in selecting the subject(s) of their post. Rather, contributors are encouraged to “write about what interests them” in the belief that what interests one fan of genre will interest other fans of genre.

Editorial commentary reflecting the views of the publisher and owner of Anansekrom is clearly identified by title(s) and tag(s) as editorial.

Free speech is a guarantee that no government will interfere with a citizen’s speech/expression. Corporations are under no obligation to extend such rights. However, Anansekrom has chosen to extend that freedom to contributors and members of its website in the belief that freedom of expression is important to a lively and healthy community. It’s also essential to all good democracies worldwide.

It should be noted that the freedom to express ones views does not include a freedom from criticism and disagreement; nor does having a platform through which to express oneself guarantee acceptance of the views expressed and does not confer correctness, rightness or truth to such expressions.

Anansekrom supports and encourages the extension of equal rights and equal opportunity for everyone regardless of their race, religious beliefs, sexual orientation, gender identification, physical abilities, political affiliations and believes that individuals should be judged on their merits, contributions and the quality of their work rather than on superficial attributes such as the language they speak, their physical appearance or where they were born.

It is Anansekrom’s intention to promote and support efforts that leads to an increase of the diversity within the Anansekrom community and that supports fairness and equality for all.

We are an ANY TOPIC FREE SPEECH ZONE. Discuss whatever you like provided it is LEGAL.

Just remember there are some legal limitations on free speech though (criminal behaviour, slander/libel, copyright laws, etc)

Free speech protection, however, does not extend to private homes or businesses.

The owners of Anansekrom Forums reserve the right to remove, edit, move or close any thread for any infringements.

We reserve the right at all times (but will not have an obligation) to remove or refuse to distribute any Content on the Services and to terminate users or reclaim usernames

When you visit someone else’s online community, you’re a guest in the owner’s online home. Behave accordingly. Your participation is a privilege subject to the Anansekrom’s rules and discretion.

You can’t post messages in our forums unless you agree to our rules and terms.

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Forum posting etiquette

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